
Friday, 19 October 2018

Boat Building Challenge

On Tuesday the 16th of October our class had to build boats in our table groups. Our mission on the boat building challenge was to build a boat that will allow your explorers to sail across the ocean without sinking. It was hard because you had to spend dojo points (Game money to buy treats/goodies) for each material. it was 50 Dojo points for a Popsicle stick just for 1 and 100 for 1 plastic straw. masking tape was 35 per strip and aluminium foil 20 per sheet. Our boat costed 285 for all our stuff. After we made our boat we had to test if it would float lucky our boat floated. Then we had to put explorers on our boat and test if it would float it just floated but it kind of touched the water.