
Friday, 29 June 2018

My Hokoshima Wave Art

Today I finished making my Hokoshima wave art. It took  A little while but it was very fun. Even though it took a lot of  practice. My friend shanaya also finished her wave art it looked very cool and wavy. My next step is to blend my background more so it looks more better.


Monday, 25 June 2018

Matariki assembly invitation

Today our class made matariki invitation it was quite fun to do. i really hope they all can come to our matariki assembly. The matariki assembly is on 6th of july. ðŸŸ…

Wednesday, 6 June 2018

Project energise - To much sugar

Matua bodean came in to show what drink has more sugar. I thought the E 2 had the most sugar because it was in a huge bottle. The E 2 had the most sugar and i was right but nobody thought the E 2 had that much sugar because they were thinking of the other drinks. Me and my friends and my other class mates all knew that the water was the less sugar,